I started taking photographs when I was eleven, being taught by an architect uncle,
Gordon Scott, who was himself a published photographer. I started enlarging in an
attic darkroom, using a horizontal Zeiss Ikon enlarger of my uncle’s, and then honed
these skills by working in the darkroom of a local photographers in the school holidays.
But my career did not allow me to assemble a coherent portfolio large enough for
an exhibition, let alone a book. There were two exceptions to this. A year spent
working in Pakistan led to a photographic series which formed a One-
Then, in 2000, I took a series of pictures of our village and its inhabitants which resulted a millennium booklet “A Village Portrait: Leigh Worcestershire in 2000” and an exhibition at the Architecture Centre, Bristol.
Now virtually retired I have completed two more series, both being exhibited and published as books. The first is “Portrait of Herefordshire”, and the second “Creative Herefordshire: its Artists, Craftspeople and Musicians at work”.
I am now working on a new photographic series “Travelling People”, about artists, craftspeople and musicians who live in caravans or boats and work wherever they travel to.
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